Listes Légales Internationales & Associations
Les avocats de D&D sont membres des Associations Internationales et des Listes Légales Internationales, marqués ci-dessous:
- Lexis-Nexis Martindale Hubbel
- IFLR1000
- European Legal 500
- Turkish - French Commerce Association
- World Jurist Association
- GESICA (Réseau International d'Avocats Indépendants)
- EU Lawyers
- Counsel-Alliance (International Network of Elite Law Firms)
- Hieros Gamos
- Asociación Europea de Abogados
- Find Law
- ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
- UNCITRAL (United Nation Commission on International Trade Law)
- IBA (International Bar Association)
- UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats)
- International Association of Penal Law
- European Network of Correspondent Law Firms
- International Criminal Law Network
- UN Global Compact
- CCR - USA Federal Government
- D&B Coding
- UNDP - UN Development Program
- UNHCR - Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNOPS - UN Office for Project Services
- ILO - International Labor Organisation
- IAPSO - Inter Agency Procurement Service Office
- UNGM - UN Global Marketplace